Knowledgebase: EC Enterprise - v6
EC Enterprise: Calculate Bills Processor Meter Readings Error in Rel 6.0 but not in Rel 5.0
Posted by John Pierce, Last modified by Joel Brickell on 10 July 2015 12:52 PM

Issue:  Calculate Bills Processor executing without errors in EnergyCAP Enterprise Release 5.0 and/or Release 5.1.  After upgrade to EnergyCAP Enterprise Release 6.0, the Calculate Bills Processor returns a "Could not locate any Meter Readings for Account <ACCOUNTCODE>" error message.

The resolution requires two parts:
1. An Update SQL Statement to change the existing Channel Properties to those that the Calculate Bills Processor is looking for.
2. Creation of a new EnergyCAP Interval Data Import Profile, if you are importing Meter Reading Data.

In EnergyCAP Release 6.0, the capability to create bills based on both usage and demand meter readings was added. Therefore, the Calculate Bills Processor was updated to specifically look for a "READINGUSE" Channel to obtain the usage meter readings. Whereas, in EnergyCAP Releases 5.0 and 5.1, the Calculate Bills Processor was only expecting to find a single Channel for the meter.

Hence, you will need to apply the below Update SQL Statement to the database, which will change all of your existing "BILLEDUSE" Channels to "READINGUSE" Channels.  Edit the channel.observationTypeID and the channel.unitID, in the Update SQL Statement, to correspond to the values in your database.  Also, edit the channelCode value to correspond to the channel interval in your database (44640 is a 31 Day(s) Interval, 43200 is a 30 Day(s) Interval).

-- QUERY to update Channel Data and allow Calculate Bills Processor to find Meter Readings

-- Use a cursor for the update as many records need to be updated
DECLARE ece_channel_update CURSOR FOR
SELECT channel.channelid FROM channel
where channel.observationTypeID = 7 and channel.unitID = 2
-- observationTypeID = 7 is BILLEDUSE and unitID = 2 is KWH

OPEN ece_channel_update
FETCH NEXT FROM ece_channel_update INTO @channelID
UPDATE channel
set observationTypeID = 28, unitID = 12, channelCode = 'READINGUSE:VALUE:A:T:44640'
where channelid = @channelid
FETCH NEXT FROM ece_channel_update INTO @channelID
CLOSE ece_channel_update
DEALLOCATE ece_channel_update
-- end of query

Once the above Update SQL Statement has been applied to the database, create a new EnergyCAP Interval Data Import Profile to ensure that the meter readings import to the correct channel. When creating the new Interval Data Import Profile, make certain to define the 'Data' Field to have a 'Type' = 'Reading Use' and a 'Unit' = 'Value'.

Authored by John Pierce--20090629   Application: EnergyCAP Enterprise

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